SFZC Policies

             The following are the most current policies and working procedures for San Francisco Zen Center 

Please note: This site and the human resources information posted is also subject, like any other posted information to the following disclaimer:

San Francisco Zen Center posts various state and federal "official' notices as a public service to our students, staff, employees and visitors. However, given its status as a religious organization, many state and federal and local laws either do  not apply to SFZC or have limited application. Please be advised that by posting these information placards, SFZC does not waive its special status as a qualifying religious organization and the exemption that arises from such status.  

SFZC Major Policies

The documents below are the main policies for the various constituents of San Francisco Zen Center

(Updated Oct 2024)

(Updated July 2024)

(Updated May 2024)

(Updated Feb 2024)

Zen Central Policies 

O&D Working Procedures

The following are policies that are still in development. They are used as guidelines for decision making.

Temple Specific Policies

City Center Policies

Green Gulch Farm Policies

Tassajara Policies